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The number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal beyond the capacity of our infrastructure. What do you think should be done to curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles? Discuss.

 Class 12 English Guide

The number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal beyond the capacity of our infrastructure. What do you think should be done to curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles? Discuss.

The number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal beyond the capacity of our infrastructure. What do you think should be done to curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles? Discuss.

Ans- The number of private vehicles is increasing day by day in Nepal beyond the capacity of our infrastructure.  We should curb the ever-growing number of private vehicles; we have to give first priority to public vehicles. Private vehicles should be ban, using of high number of private vehicles can cause environment degrading as well as increasing high amount of harmful gas from vehicles which cause serious problem in future. Using of unwanted natural resources like; fuel, petrol etc can be degrade the natural resources, we have to save the natural resources for the future generation by using low vehicles. Here, I provide how to reduce private vehicles in Nepal;

1.      Ensuring that the total cost of private vs. public transport is      transparent.

2.      Improving digital accessibility to public transport services

3.      Incentivizing the use of cleaner vehicles

              4.      Encourage behavioral change at key life stages                          

5.      Education to enable people to become part of the solution

6.      Future proofing development

7.      Introducing the electric vehicles which is eco-friendly with nature like; Telsa,

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