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Write an essay on 'The Impacts of Migration on Nepali Society'. Class 12 English Guide

 Class 12 English Guide

Write an essay on 'The Impacts of Migration on Nepali Society'. Class 12 English Guide

6.Write an essay on 'The Impacts of Migration on Nepali Society'.

Answer:  In recent days, migration in Nepal is a lot more in trend. Most Nepalese people are on the way to migration. People are seen migrating in both levels as internal migration and external migration. People are migrating to urban areas within the country and also to foreign lands. The sole cause behind their migration is to seek better living standards as well as opportunities. Nowadays, it is quite difficult to find out youth manpower in the country. Most of the youths of Nepal have moved to foreign lands in the name of education and jobs and settled their lives over there. The rural areas are facing a lack of youths. In most villages of Nepal, elderly people are living miserable lives. Most youths are spending their lives working in urban areas as well as foreign lands. Nepali societies are facing very bad impacts due to this concept of migration. Following are some of the bad impacts of migration on Nepali society:

1. The number of youths is decreasing rapidly.

2. Most Nepalese societies are facing a lack of youth manpower.

3. The relationship between people is becoming weaker.

4.The land of hilly areas is found unused.

5. In most societies of Nepal, elderly people are spending their lonely life in a very miserable state.

6. Due to the lack of people in societies, people are experiencing loneliness during the time of festivals. 

7. There is no sense of love, affection, care, co-operation, security, peace and harmony among 1people of societies.

8. Due to the lack of people, the development of societies even has decreased.

9. The prime concept of humanity itself is in a question mark.

10. People are seen away from relationships and selfishness among people is seen.

11. Birth rate has also decreased dramatically. 

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