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Write a short essay on Celebration of Childbirth in my community Class 12 English Guide

 Class 12 English Guide

Write a short essay on Celebration of Childbirth in my community Class 12 English Guide

5. Write a short essay on Celebration of Childbirth in my community. 

= The ninth day of birth (Nawaran) is a joyous celebration of a child's birth among family and community members. My culture celebrates birth. The birth of a child brings joy to the whole family and friends. A new baby brings joy to the whole family. Guests congratulate the newlyweds. They are delighted to meet the mother and her new-born. The infant is named that day. It is a community event. Many people came to congratulate the parents and family. They also sing, dance, and eat excellent meals. Having a baby shower before the baby is born is not our tradition, thus I oppose this new trend. The foreign cultures' celebrations have influenced our society. Every year, an older relative or a member of the community blesses a child's birth. People offer presents, blessings and happiness to the new baby and parents.

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